The Direction / Government body of Comage (from now on, the responsible of the treatment), assumes the maximum responsibility and compromise with the establishment, implementation and maintance of the present data protection policy, guaranteeing the continuous improvement of the responsible of the treatment with the aim of achieving the excellence in relation with the compliance of UE Norm 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, of 27th of April 2016, regarding the protection of persons and their personal data and the free circulation of this information and which substitutes Directive 95/46/CE(General norm of data protection) (DOUE L 119/1, 04-05-2016and the Spanish normative of personal data protection (Organic Law, specific sector law and its development norms).
Data protection policy of Comage rests on the principle of proactive responsibility, from which the responsible of the treatment and fulfilling the normative framework, is capable of showing it to the appropriate authorities.
In that sense, the responsible of the treatment must act according to the following principles that must be fulfilled by all of its staff as guidance and reference framework of data treatment:
1. Data protection from design: the responsible of the treatment will apply, both in the moment of determining the treatment media as in the moment of the treatment, technical measures and organizative ones, such as pseudonymization, to apply in an effective way data protection, and integrate the necessary guarantees in the treatment.
2. Data protection by default: the responsible of the treatment will apply the necessary organizative and technical measures to guarantee, by default, that only personal data treatment are use for the specific needs.
3. Data protection in the life cycle of the information: measures that guarantee protection of personal data will be applicable during the whole life cycle of the information
4. Veracity, loyalty and transparence: personal data will be treated in a true, loyal and transparent way in relation to the person.
5. Purpose limitation: personal data will be kept with determined purpose, explicit and legitimate, and will not be treated further in an incompatible way with those purposes
6. Data minimization: personal data will be adequate, pertinent and limited only to the purpose to which they are treated.
7. Precision: personal data will be precise, and if necessary updated, all the measures will be adopted so that they are eliminated or rectified as soon as possible if those are inaccurate.
8. Data conservation limit: personal data will be kept so that the user is identified no longer than the time necessary for the purpose of which this data is collected
9. Integrity and confidentiality: personal data will be treated in a way that guarantees the security of the data, including protection to non-authorized use and its loss, destruction or damage, through the required technical measure
10. Information and formation: one of the keys to guarantee data protection is the knowledge and information that it is given to the users. During the life cycle of the information, all personnel with acces to the data will be properly trained and informed of its obligations in relation to the data protection policy
Data Protection Policy of Comage is communicated to all personnel responsible for its handling and available to all interested parts.
Therefore, the present Data Protection Policy involves all personnel, which must know it and apply it and verify its compliance, identify and propose improvements with the aim of achieving total excellence.
This Policy will be revised and updated by the Direction / Government Body of Comage as many times as needed to comply, at any given moment, with the current data protection policies and normative. .